1st Prize in Competition for a Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge in Mühltal
Together with Schoyerer Architects SYRA, Mainz, LAP won 1st Prize in a competition for a new pedestrian and bicycle bridge
As part of the development of the Ruckelshausen industrial park, the municipality of Mühltal and the site development of the bicycle manufacturer Riese & Müller, a new pedestrian and bicycle bridge shall link the industrial park with the Rhine Street by an overfly over federal road B 426 A. The bridge will serve both the public and the employees of the Riese & Müller company as access to approx. 395 new parking spaces.
In order to obtain the best possible solution an interdiciplinary competition for engineers and architects was held. The participants were expected to come up with solutions that dealt with the specific topic of the landscape area.
On 31 March 2022 the jury met and awarded two 1st prizes and 2 recognitions.
The guiding principle for our design of this pedestrian bridge follows the sustainability philosophy of Riese & Müller, which is why we proposed a dynamic design using a responsible design and construction method. During the analysis for a sensible routing across the B426, the design team decided on a bridge structure that is as short as possible and optimally reflects the flow of movement of the employees. As a result, a bridge figure is proposed which, in an elegant movement in the parking lot, transfers the axis for pedestrians and cyclists to the company premises of Riese & Müller.
The structture is a tightly welded steel box girder supported on V-shaped columns. In order to achieve the lowest possible material consumption, the stiffened steps also form the top chord of the box girder. This integral structure does not require any maintenance-intensive bearing or transition structures. Due to the crescent shape in the ground plan and the punctual bearing of the V-column on the foundations, constraints from temperature changes can be avoided to a large extent by "breathing" of the structure in lateral direction.