The completion ceremony for the new forecourt in front of the Stadtpalais and the Main State Archives in Stuttgart took place on 8 May 2024. After two years of construction, the square with its 80-metre-wide flight of steps now provides event space for the Stadtpalais.
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LAP has been awarded the contract for the detailed design of the Neckar Valley Bridge near Horb. The Neckar valley bridge Horb is a 667 m long…
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Every two years, the employees of all LAP offices meet at one of the office locations. This year, Hamburg was the destination.
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On August 13, the ‘Golden Joint Ceremony’ of the Chenab Bridge in India took place and set an engineering milestone.
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The new Shipyard Bridge in Helsingborg was awarded the Eugene C. Figg Jr. International Bridge Prize. The award ceremony took place at the…
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On 4 Juli 2022 the Bavarian State Government celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Olympic Park in Munich. Among them the representatives of LAP: Dr.…
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The Queensferry Crossing was awarded the ACHE VI Premio de Ingeniería 2022 in the Bridges category. The award ceremony took place during the VIII ACHE…
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Golden anniversary of an LAP bridge: The approximately 2 km long North Bridge Mannheim-Ludwigshafen (Kurt Schumacher-Bridge) was inaugurated on 28…
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Together with Schoyerer Architects SYRA, Mainz, LAP won 1st Prize in a competition for a new pedestrian and bicycle bridge
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Work on the new Rhine Bridge Leverkusen has reached an important milestone: The first steel elements were erected on the first weekend in March. The…
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In January, LAP opened a new branch office in Madrid - our team of experienced engineers is now at your serivce.
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Peter Walser and Philippa Maier will report on the competition, detailed design, and site supervision for the new Pattullo Bridge at the 22nd…
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In Weilerbach near Ramstein Air Base the largest U.S. Hospital outside the United States will be built. LAP is responsible for the structural design…
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