2nd Place for Donauwörth Cycle and Footpath Link
The task of the design competition was to plan a barrier-free pedestrian and cycle connection between the Alfred Delp quarter and Donauwörth town center.
The decisive design parameter was the steep gradient to be overcome, which required a route with a spiral ramp. The direct route would have led to gradients of more than 10% locally, so an adapted route was also required in the slope area. A steel box girder with variable height and width was chosen as the cross-section. In order to qualify for the relevant funding, the awarding authority also wanted to provide solar energy for lighting and the like. We also proposed benches made of photovoltaic elements based on the Stuttgart model, where you can charge your cell phone while enjoying the view of the historic old town of Donauwörth.
The award ceremony took place on December 12 in Donauwörth. Our planning team was represented by Kim Hoss (KienlePlan), Carolin Bader and Bastian Kratzke.